Consolidated Non-financial Report of ASBISc Enterprises Plc for 2022
Filling in the required disclosure tables and
preparing information needed as specified in
Commission Disclosure Regulation (EU)
2021/2178. ASBIS business model has mostly
not been included within the first legal acts
related to sustainable development Taxonomy,
as these have been focused on sectors having
the strongest climate impact.
Taxonomy eligible activities identified include:
Renovation of existing buildings (7.2), Installation,
maintenance and repair of energy efficiency
equipment (7.3), Acquisition and ownership of
buildings (7.7) and Computer programming,
consultancy and related activities (8.2). No
activities described in Commission Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2022/1214 have been found.
Financial aspects of the calculations were based
on date from ASBIS financial system and
definitions applied in Commission Delegated
Regulation 2021/2178, i.e.:
Turnover: calculated as defined in Article 2,
point (5) of Directive 2013/34/EU. Turnover
covers revenue recognised pursuant to
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1,
paragraph 82(a), as adopted by Commission
Regulation (EC) No 1126/2008;
Capex: calculated as additions to tangible and
intangible assets during the financial year
considered before depreciation, amortisation
and any re-measurements, including those
resulting from revaluations and impairments, for
the relevant financial year and excluding fair
value changes. The denominator also covers
additions to tangible and intangible assets
resulting from business combinations.
Specifically, capex covers, if appl: 1) a) IAS 16
Property, Plant and Equipment, paragraphs 73,
(e), point (i) and point (iii);); 2) b) IAS 38
Intangible Assets, paragraph 118, (e), point (i);
and 3) IFRS 16 Leases, paragraph 53, point (h).
As such, these differ from capital expenditures
shown in the consolidated financial statements;
Opex: calculated as direct non-capitalised costs
that relate to research and development,
building renovation measures, short-term
lease, maintenance and repair, and any other
direct expenditures relating to the day-to-day
servicing of assets of property, plant and
equipment by the undertaking or third party to
whom activities are outsourced that are
necessary to ensure the continued and
effective functioning of such assets. Thus, the
definition is much narrower than the one used
for the purpouse of consolidated financial
After allocating Taxonomy-eligible activities to
financial lines, the next step involved verification of
Taxonomy-alignment.Environmentally sustainable
activities need to add significant contribution to one
of the environmental targets and do no significant
harm to other environmental targets. These targets
encompass: climate change mitigation, climate
change adaptation, water and marine resources,