Current report No 4/2025

March 17, 2025

Current report No 4/2025

Notification of transaction on shares of ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC

Date: 2025-03-17
Title: Notification of transaction on shares of ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC
Legal basis: Art. 19 ust.3 MAR – notification of transactions by person discharging managerial responsibilities


The Board of Directors ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC announces that on 17 March 2025, the Company has received from Provident Fund of ASBIS Group (“Provident Fund”) - a person closely associated with a person discharging managerial responsibilities notification of transaction on shares of ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC.

The transaction on shares results from a change in the approach to the management of the Provident Fund. By decision of the Provident Fund Committee, all the assets accumulated in the Provident fund are transferred to the AON MAP fund and at the same time the Provident Fund will be dissolved.

Attached content of the notification.

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