ASBIS Czech Republic welcomed its partners at the “Spring Server Meeting"

May 27, 2015

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ASBIS Czech Republic welcomed its partners at the “Spring Server Meeting"

ASBIS Czech Republic held the traditional server-focused dealers day aimed to introduce a fresh vision of the latest trends in server business and its roadmap for the year ahead to local partners.

The event took place in the leisure center in Central Bohemia – Čapí hnízdo (“Stork’s nest“). About 60 guests including server specialists, journalists, and vendors came to the outdoors event to discuss the current server business.

Petr Jandík, General Manager at ASBIS CZ, spoI.s.r.o., opened the meeting, welcoming participants. He told about the prospects, opportunities and improvements, which ASBIS CZ will offer during 2015.

Representatives of Eaton, Infortrend, Kingston, Qlogic, Seagate and Supermicro introduced their portfolios and partner programs. Specialists of ASBIS CZ demonstrated the current server solutions from Intel. All presentations were followed by lively discussions with the audience.


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