May 27, 2015
ASBIS Czech Republic held the traditional server-focused dealers day aimed to introduce a fresh vision of the latest trends in server business and its roadmap for the year ahead to local partners.
May 19, 2015
Content of draft resolutions for the AGM convened on June 23rd, 2015
May 19, 2015
Convention of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of ASBISc Enterprises Plc
May 19, 2015
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC convenes the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of ASBISc Enterprises PLC, to be held on June 23rd, 2015
May 07, 2015
Improvement expected in Q2 and profits for the second half of the year.
May 07, 2015
ASBISc Enterprises Plc, a leading distributor of IT products in emerging markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, published its Consolidated Interim Report for Q1 2015.