February 29, 2008
Spółka informatyczna Asbis Enterprises Plc miała 9,37 mln USD skonsolidowanego zysku netto przypisanego akcjonariuszom jednostki dominującej w IV kw. 2007 roku
February 26, 2008
Mainly difficult to work in, very few areas that resemble the rest of Europe in business practices or normal contracts - the CIS represents the wild frontier in IT sales.
February 26, 2008
The company has filed application to AIM authorities to cancel its listing on AIM.
February 20, 2008
The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that it has decided to change the date of the publication of the fourth quarter 2007 quarterly report from 22nd February 2008 to 28th February 2008.
February 18, 2008
The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that following the successful listing of Asbis Enterprises PLC on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in October 2007, the Company has decided to cancel its AIM listing with effect from 18th March 2008 in order to consolidate all liquidity to a single exchange.
February 15, 2008
Notebook vendor Toshiba has moved to allay any suggestions that it is under-distributed in the Saudi market by awarding in-country distribution rights to Asbis and Redington.
February 14, 2008
Toshiba has awarded in-country distribution rights for Saudi Arabia to ASBIS Middle East.
February 01, 2008
ASBIS Croatia reached the finals of the European IT Excellence Awards, the first pan-European awards which recognise the crucial role that Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Solution Providers play in the delivery of real world solutions.