November 28, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 27, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 23, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 22, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 21, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 20, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 19, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 17, 2012
Correction of the current report 62/2012 from November 16th, 2012
November 17, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 15, 2012
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs about the purchase of own shares.
November 14, 2012
Notification about descending below the threshold of 5% in total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders