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Current Reports

October 08, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC („the Issuer”, „the Company”) informs that on October 8th, 2010 the Company received notification on the basis of art. 160 of Act on Trading on financial instruments from Mr. Siarhei Kostevitch.
October 08, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC („the Issuer”, „the Company”) hereby publishes information received on October 8th, 2010 from MAIZURI ENTERPRISES LTD (further “MAIZURI”) pursuant to the provisions of art. 69 sec. 1 clause 2 of the Act of July 29th, 2005 on public offering and on the conditions of introducing financial instruments to an organized trading system and on public companies.
August 18, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc ENTERPRISES PLC ("the Company", "the Issuer"), hereby publishes information received on August 18th, 2010 from Aviva Investors Poland S.A. about exceeding the threshold of 5% of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders
July 06, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("the Company", "the Issuer") informs that on July 6th, 2010 the Company received from Sangita Enterprises Limited notification in mode of art. 69 of the Act from July 29, 2005 on public offering and the conditions of introducing financial instruments to an organized trading system and on public companies.
July 05, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("The Company", "the Issuer") hereby informs that on July 5th, 2010 the Company received from obligated person attached information about transactions of purchase of the Company's shares conducted by this person and by person related to this person.
July 05, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("The Company", "the Issuer") hereby informs that on July 5th, 2010 the Company received from obligated person attached information about transactions on the Company's shares conducted by entity related to this person.
May 19, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("the Company") hereby announces the list of Shareholders with no less than 5% of the overall number of votes who were present at the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that was held on May 18th, 2010.
May 19, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("the Company") hereby announces that Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, that was held on May 18th, 2010 reelected Mrss Siarhei Kostevitch oraz Marios Christou to the Board of Directors.
May 19, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("the Company") hereby publishes resolutions of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that was held on May 18th, 2010.
April 22, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC hereby publishes corrected text of current report no 5/2010.
April 20, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC ("the Company") hereby publishes in the attached file the content of the draft resolutions of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 18th, 2010.
April 20, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC convenes the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of ASBISc Enterprises PLC, to be held on May 18th, 2010 at 10:00 am CET at the Company’s headquarters.
January 22, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises PLC (“the Company”) hereby informs about the updated dates of publication of interim reports in 2010
January 22, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc (“the Company”) hereby informs that Mr. Peter Edinger has been appointed as a Executive Vice President of Retail Sales & Marketing for Europe, Middle East and Africa.
January 15, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises Plc ("the Company") presents list of all current and periodical reports ("Reports") published in 2009.
January 05, 2010
The Board of Directors of ASBISc Enterprises Plc ("the Company") hereby informs about the dates of publication of periodical reports in 2010.
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